So much has happened over the past couple of weeks and I have been too busy/lazy to write about any of it. This is the last week of the semester and then exams, which means I'm only a couple of weeks away from leaving Spanish in the dust. Hasta luego!
It seems like babies are everywhere. The manager at work is out on her maternity leave and one of the other girls is pregnant as well. Kelsey, my beautiful little neice, was born on April 6. She's pretty laid back and quite possibly the cutest baby I have ever seen. I'm also biased. She just throws up gang signs and tries to eat my nose.

This weekend I'm going camping with Syed's family. I've never been camping before so this will be a new adventure for me. I'm in the process of making sure we go white water rafting. This MUST take place.
My apartment is in the process of being repainted since I'm moving at the end of May. I'm going to miss my checkered wall. That was hard work!