I need to paint and clean and pack and remove myself from Rock Creek. I can't wait to be up out of this place. However, I have a Spanish exam Monday and a really lame full-time part-time job that has been taking up all of my time. So with that, here are some photos from Jamie's graduation last night. Jamie, whom I love dearly, recieved a Bachelors of Science degree from the School of Communication at ECU and 20 pounds in just 4 years!! (That's what she says but I can't tell).

And just for Tabbatha... The neigbors of Jamie's current "residence" had this plaid couch sitting on the balcony. It was obviously a very special gift someone recieved a good 90 years ago and has passed through Good Will after Good Will and ended up in Greenville,NC catching Jamie's ass every other day.