Julie met me at the airport and we went back to her and Matt’s cute apartment on the east side of Manhattan. Patsy flipped out because she was so happy to see me. We ate lunch at this place called Prime Burger, which was really cute and kind of stuck in the 1950’s. The men that worked there wore white coats and they had big pies and stuff. So then I saw Park Ave. and 5th Ave. We went inside Chanel and Fendi and in one of those stores I felt the softest patent leather I’ve ever touched. It was a really cute pink wallet and I wanted it but that’s impossible right now. So then we went to Tiffany’s and I tried on a $15,600 engagement ring. It was only one carat so it was wild to me that it was so expensive! The lighting in there made everything bling. Julie knew a cute person who works on the engagement ring floor so we talked to him for a bit. He was showing us a $300,000 necklace when the manager came over and took it right out of the case while we were admiring it. He put in a blue book that said “Tiffany & Co.” on the front and it never came back. He knew we couldn’t afford that shit. I got these cute little ear ring pouches from Julie’s friend.
So then we went to Canal St. and it was nothing like I expected. I expected more bags laid out on the street and less people trying to get you to follow them down a dark ally. Right when we came up from the subway there was a lady there with a piece of paper showing the bags she had. There were lots of stores with really cheap random shit and it all started looking the same to me. Afterwards we went to Magnolia Bakery and got really cute cupcakes. We ate them later and Julie’s apartment and all agreed that the icing is what makes them so special. Magnolia Bakery is the bakery that they visited on Sex and the City. There was a line that looked kind of long but it moved fast because the people that work there have worked that shit out. You can’t order anything else once you make it to the register. There’s no going back.
At night we ate dinner at a really good pizza place in Grand Central Station and went to Times Square. Times Square was like the state fair of NY.

I wish I had taken more pictures on Friday but it was raining like hell all day and I was wet and messy.
So that was Friday. There is absolutely NO WAY AT ALL I would have been able to conquer all of that on my own. Julie is awesome.
Saturday we stopped by a thrift store on our walk from Julie’s apartment. She got a cute mint green leather skirt and some other things. I got a cute little black Puma bag. We got ice cream from Pinkberry’s. I was a little hesitant hearing that it was “kind of sour creamy, but good” but after tasting it I understood. It IS kind of sour creamy but you pick three different fruits and it’s soooo good! I’m going to want that in December, I know it! Then we got manicures and I went to see the Blue Man Group. It was really good.

The flash from my camera made me blink, which NEVER happens! So my eyes are halfway closed. I would see them again in the future.

Then we went to the Patricia Field store where Julie works and there were so many cool things in there. I was happy to see normal prices again. We ate sushi for dinner.
On Sunday we walked over to the river walk near Julie’s apartment. The view was very nice.

Then went to the Grace Kelly exhibit and I freaked out over her 10.47 carat engagement ring that was on display. There were so many dresses, and tiaras with loads of diamonds. I think those things are being auctioned off this week and I really need to know how much certain things sold for. The people that were there were fun to watch. It was mostly old rich ladies and they didn’t understand that they couldn’t just BUY a ticket and get in. They actually had to wait in the line that went around the building and that pissed them off. After that we went to see the Statue of Liberty and I saw Ellis Island from a distance.

We walked by ground zero and there were people selling knock off bags and watches from a briefcase and I felt uncomfortable with that. I think they should have to take that elsewhere. There was even men selling pictures of the towers on fire in front of the memorial and I thought that was weird and disrespectful. I mean, pictures of the towers themselves would have been more understandable. The empty lot of ground zero looked small to me and it wasn’t until we flew over Manhattan on my flight back that I realized how big that space is. It was weird to see it from the sky. So after that we went to the top of the Empire State building. The small line outside made me think this was going to be a quick and easy adventure but it turned out to be quite an ordeal. We waited in a lot of lines and there were men shouting about upgrading your package to the one that includes that little audio thing. The people that work there were so funny to me. I wouldn’t last one hour on that job having to deal with all those tourists. We got to the top before sunset so we saw NYC during the daylight. Then after sunset it was so pretty and cool with all the lights! I was amazed.

We ate dinner at Rai Rai Ken, a small but very good Japanese restaurant. We had ice cream from Pinkberry’s again and took a taxi back.
Monday morning we ate breakfast outside and had very cute sugar waffles before going to the airport.
So, in summary… Julie is amazing! I saw pretty much everything! The food in NY is awesome! And I had a really cool time! When I’m back there in December for 2 days it will be much colder but I think I should take more pictures then.