Monday, February 23, 2009

No-makeup sick-face

I’ve been sick since last week!

This weekend I took a shower at my grandmother’s house (because the power went out at mine due to a broken main breaker or some electrical stuff that I don’t understand that couldn’t be fixed until Monday) and I realized that I forgot my hair dryer at home. I asked gma if she had one I could use and I came in the room to find her setting up this…

She was so serious. So funny!

Kelsey is looking at the “turtles in the wa-wa”. Wa-wa means water.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have nothing to do but look for a job and practice painting my nails so I'm reading a book about a feminist who is trying to make changes at a magazine company ran by her sister’s husband to teach women to appreciate one another instead of always hatin’. The book is Miss Understanding. I got it for a quarter in a thrift store.

I had two job interviews last week. One was for a position that I really, really want and I’m counting down the days until I can start calling and harassing them. The other would just be very temporary until I find something else because it’s in an office. And I’m pretty sure they would beat me up if I ate lunch out of the Hello Kitty container.