I’m pretty sure that everyone has heard of Eat Pray Love by now. I had seen the book before but never picked it up until I saw the preview for the movie and I knew instantly that I had to both read the book and see the movie. It’s wonderful and beautifully written and helps you create a very content and easy feeling as you read the author’s description of her life and journey. It’s especially great for outdoorsy summer reading.
This morning I got this dress for $12 in TJ Maxx.

I contemplated over it for 20 whole minutes and text this picture to a friend for approval/disapproval. It’s too mother-f’in hot and this girl doesn’t really do shorts so I need some serious alternatives to pants and jeans.
Then, at home I baked cupcakes and cookies like a mom with triplets in 2nd grade whose birthday is tomorrow. The cupcakes are lemon with lemon icing and I only baked them because lemon cake is my favorite and I wanted one cupcake but now I have 20 something cupcakes so I’ll probably dump them at work. The cookies are part of a birthday tradition for this kid that works at the dealership I used to work at.

I’ve been waving my dork flag high lately. I saw Toy Story 3 this weekend and it was so emotional. I was really nervous when they were about to fall in that fire pit and they just held hands and braced for it. And a few weeks ago I went to the Backstreet Boys concert and wore glow sticks on my wrists. When Jamie found out they were coming she jumped on it with the quickness and got tickets early so we had 5th row seats. I mean look at how close we were…

A decade later they were still bustin’ smooth choreographed moves

And they changed clothes a lot into winter velvets and scarves like they didn’t know it was June and HOT.

Brian was always my favorite BSB and when it started to rain I tried to tie my mop atop my head and he offered me his hat. I haven’t been able to tell anyone this out loud in words because I KNOW how ridiculous it sounds. I am glad that Jamie was there to witness his nice gesture to me because she is quite possible the only individual that I know that will ever appreciate such an occurrence. I felt appreciated as a 12 year old fan and less remorseful over all the allowance money I spent at the time on their merchandise because they are so nice.

BSB Brian’s family sat behind us and his wife was so nice and normal. I could tell his kid has never been rained on before because he freaked out and had to go inside as soon as he got a little wet. Like, We gotta go. Right now. My plaid shorts are going to be ruined and my hair gel is going to get in my eyes. So they left.