It has built in shelves in the kitchen and a "phone nook" in the middle of the house (no hallway). My mom has always collected antiques and old things from family. She invited me to see if there were some things that I'd like to have because she has limited space. It was like shopping in an old antique store for free, except the old things all have personal, special meanings!
My favorite thing she offered me was this wooden heart-shaped wall shelf that my Grandfather made for her for Christmas one year. The thought crossed my mind to paint it but I'm not going to because I love the little imperfections (although, there are few because he was such a perfectionist). It's just so beautiful to me that he carved out the heart shapes and even had the desire to do so. She said that my Grandmother had bought a shelf very similar and my mom said she liked it to which he replied "Oh, I can make that," and then surprised her.

I also got a wooden spoon that my Great Grandmother used to cook with. I remember her vividly and she was a sweet lady and I'm happy to have something that belonged to her that she used so frequently. It looks like it was made, not bought. She loved to cook and had so much positive energy surrounding her.
These little heart mirrors were in my room when I was little. I'm going to paint them.