Meeting Jessica Simpson today was so spur of the moment! I woke up later than usual and saw her tweet about meeting everyone at Crabtree Valley Mall. At first I thought "wow, there's 2 crabtree's?" Then "omg! Jessica Simpson is here! I have to go!" I quickly got dressed and arrived around 11:30. I found out that I had to buy a $50 JS brand item for a wrist band that would guarantee meeting her, an autographed photo, and a special gift. Totally worth it!

I bought some leopard print ballet flats. I couldn't really focus. I saw that the line was already getting kind of long so I just wanted to get something in a hurry. I started to get a bag but I needed to stay as close to $50 as possible and her bags can be kind of pricey for me. I knew I didn't want to mess with clothes because that required too much time/focus. I went straight to the shoes and picked out these cute leopard flats. They were a great decision considering the pressure I felt I was under. I had the urgency of a woman in labor.

My spot in line was behind some girls that talked about everything they were going to get her to sign- their wristband, the tag on their shirt they bought, some notebook paper. And how she might have a real halo over her head (that part I don't disagree with). I stood in line for 2 hours but it went by pretty fast. She was a full hour late. People kept walking by asking what we were standing in line for because all the signage, announcements and music didn't provide enough clues apparently.

I'm really glad I went. I wish I would have been able to get a picture with her but I knew better than to ask. The girls in front of me had a friend standing outside the rope with a camera so she took a picture with them, but I was alone and it would have been really annoying to everyone for me to try to work that out. I had to wait for her to drink some water and apply more lipgloss before it was my turn. She said "hiiiiiii" just like you would expect and smiled and asked me how I was doing! This all made me so happy after that
Britney fiasco. I told her I was doing great at that I saw her tweet about the event. Ashlee asked her "your what?" and she said "Oh, I tweeted about this." And I told her "yeah, I didn't see it until this morning so I, like, ran here." I don't know what I said. I was nervous. She was like "Well, you look pretty!" Then I had to help her spell my name. She was really smiley and happy and nice and thanked me for coming.
My favorite thing about Jessica Simpson is how she is able to just laugh at herself. And, of course, how pretty, funny, and stylish she is.

The free gift was a denim cosmetic bag with JS woven on it with an I Fancy You perfume sample and earbuds with rhinestones. I love it all. I love this day.