Sunday, August 26, 2007

I can't believe it's Septiembre

I'm not used to having weekends off so I totally wasted this one by being way too lazy. With my new job I don't have to work weekends, with the exception of every other Saturday. I've never experienced this hardly ever in my life since I began working. I did have to work this Saturday and it was for ten hours. I am going to have to take me a suitcase of shit to do next time because it is BORING. I took two textbooks... Anatomy and Animal Science. I did okay with Anatomy for about 3 hours and then I couldn't take it any more. I was way too optimistic about my studying abilities. Next time I will take some magazines too. Or maybe I'll take my laptop.

I resolved my car issues.. I HOPE. God, I hope! I bought my cousin's car because she got a new one... a silver mustang. It's a Ford Focus and I like it. I've never had a car that didn't sound like a meat grinder or make grunting sounds so I'm pretty excited over this. Well, there was the time I spent with Syed's camry. We got along pretty well until it starting requiring me to spend all my money. The Focus is dark red with tinted windows so I'm all ghettofab in my drives around Duhram. I hooked it up with a Carolina window decal and I'm getting me a COEXIST bumper magnet this week.

Tomorrow I am going to the Bodies Exhibition at Southpoint. I have been aching to go since it opened but I couldn't fathom spending $30 for some small little museum type thing... but I have been informed that it's waaaaay worth it and I'll definitely be missing out if I don't go. I know I am going to appreciate it.

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