Tuesday, March 18, 2008


We let the balloons from my grandfather's birthday party go. He had talked about letting them go last week.

My little cousin Gracie had the honor.

And this is my brother..

That pendant is a silver turtle. My mom gave it to me Saturday. My grandfather loved turtles sooooooo much.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 10, 1920 - March 13, 2008

My grandfather passed away Thursday evening and I'm still trying to process everything that has happened over the past week.

I was right by his side when he died and it's the most amazing story. It's refreshing to know that you can live a long, amazing, adventurous life and die peacefully with those you love most right by your side.

I will never be able to honor my grandfather enough. When he died, I think that everyone was so perfectly placed. It seemed like everyone was in the right spot, at the right moment. He was content, told my mom and her sisters that he loved them, and even said goodbye. The only problem I am having over this is that I have begun to realize that someday I am going to have to say goodbye to my parents and other special people as well. He always seemed so invincible to me. I honestly thought that he would be here forever... and see me graduate, and get married, and have kids. He was the strongest, most amazing person I knew, and that is an understatement.

I don't know if it has all sunk in just yet, becuase like I said, I'm still processing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stage IV

Sunday was the birthday party and that was fine. But now he's in the ICU. It all happened so fast.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I want nice eyebrows. Like, a little bit of an arch would be hot. Right now I am doing the eyebrow maintenance myself and I know I couldn’t accomplish a somewhat-arch on my own. That would definitely have to be done by the hands of a professional. But I get so nervous! I knew this girl in high school that had really tiny thin eyebrows and it scared me forever. And then I knew a lady who painted hers on. And another girl who once plucked so much that they were only one inch long. Those three bad eyebrows just kind of haunt me. I need to have a serious discussion about this and maybe photographic examples need to be involved. I like my dark, thick, normal person eyebrows. I just want more shape. Is this something that can be created or are the girls with the nice eyebrows just lucky and were born like that? I don’t think so.

My hair was turning weird golden brown again so I applied some more of the $6 brown hair color and I am so pleased. I have very dark, healthy looking brown hair now. I think I’m going to have to keep with this re-coloring upkeep for a while. I was annoyed by the length because I can’t afford a special haircut right now but lately I have been using a hair straightener to make it wavy, not pageant queen curly, but wavy and it looks nice.