My grandfather passed away Thursday evening and I'm still trying to process everything that has happened over the past week.
I was right by his side when he died and it's the most amazing story. It's refreshing to know that you can live a long, amazing, adventurous life and die peacefully with those you love most right by your side.
I will never be able to honor my grandfather enough. When he died, I think that everyone was so perfectly placed. It seemed like everyone was in the right spot, at the right moment. He was content, told my mom and her sisters that he loved them, and even said goodbye. The only problem I am having over this is that I have begun to realize that someday I am going to have to say goodbye to my parents and other special people as well. He always seemed so invincible to me. I honestly thought that he would be here forever... and see me graduate, and get married, and have kids. He was the strongest, most amazing person I knew, and that is an understatement.
I don't know if it has all sunk in just yet, becuase like I said, I'm still processing.