Monday, June 29, 2009

Carolina in my mind

I never thought I would say this but I miss school. I don’t miss the being tired all the time and always having to study part, but I miss the whole student-identification part of it. I am still very much a student at heart. And with my job it’s easy to still feel that way because we’re required to read and study stuff all the time and that’s very student-like. I also still have very student-like behaviors. Like flip flops. I still live in them. And laundromats. I still take my dirty clothes there. And Whole Foods. I still get a home-cooked breakfast in a box. This morning I ate my breakfast in a box while doing my laundry in the Laundromat and this process made me feel “at home.” Like, I’m still young and student-ish because I was doing laundry at 9am on Monday morning while everyone else was at work (I work Tues-Sat).

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