Monday, March 15, 2010

You Won't Find Moments in a Box

Last week had beautiful moments. I received a notice that I had a package, but that it had to be picked up from the post office so I knew it was from Paki. Shafaq sent me some wonderful things! The most wonderful part of all, though, was that it travelled 7,000 miles in a pillow case. I love that she packed it in a pillowcase and wrote my address on it with a Sharpie.

Shafaq sent scarves, bracelets, and some homemade cards. There was also a letter written on Hello Kitty stationary and she mostly wrote about how cute the stationary is. Love it! This is the pink scarf:

My afternoon was so sun shine-y and in the evening I met with my family to celebrate my Grandfather’s birthday at Tyler’s Taproom where I ate the most expensive boring salad ever.

I picked the best combination of movies this weekend. First, it was Food, Inc. and if you haven’t seen it you definitely need to watch it. I think I’m getting near the point in my life where I am ready to consider the environment and ethics in my buying. When you are broke it is really, really hard to be so conscious, but now I feel a responsibility because I am smart enough to understand the importance.

Ironically (ha!) here I am in Wal-Mart with a giant Twinkie. I will not take your carby, sugary treat, but I will take your picture, Sir!
This was pre-Food, Inc. I just don’t know how I feel about Wal-Mart. I am on a budget so I just have to make really conscious choices when I’m shopping there. I am ready to begin weaning it out of my life and start buying from the Farmer’s Market.

The next movie was Up In The Air and the reason why these were such a good combination is because the song that ends Food, Inc. is the song that begins Up In The Air. How ironic! Great movie.

I am so over the mat. I had this in my face today..

I did wonder over the One World Market and was entertained by all the fun things I could look at.

I love this piggy bank!

Today I organized my everyday makeup. It was in my makeup bag that kept getting stuck whenever I opened the drawer. Now I can see everything and I should have made this transition a long time ago

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nice Weekend

Yesterday was my cousin’s baby shower. She’s having a boy.

That is the only blurry iPhone pic I got because my favorite person, Gracie, always requests to use it for SpinArt creations. And she saves each and every one of them. I love it. She will close text messages and deny phone calls that interrupt her.

Gracie always looks like she just stepped out of a Gymboree catalog. She did my hair and makeup on her Nintendo DS dress-up game and then my Grandmother told me about the Wii she bought for herself because she is a hard-core Wii bowler. These are cute family moments that I am so thankful for.

Today was beautiful and warm, and I discovered that I do not like papayas. They're bitter and I can't get over the rotten-fish-egg-looking seeds in the middle. However, I still appreciate papaya fragranced air fresheners.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Busy, Inspired, Frustrated...

Tuesday was not a very good day for me, so after work I went to Sephora (for one thing only) and discovered the wonderfulness of the budget-friendly Sephora product line. I had never really taken the time to look into their line of products because I was just straight in for my necessary Benefit products and straight out, so as not to be tempted by anything. I almost bought Benefit’s Coralista..

..which is so pretty on, but I put it back and got a Sephora blush that is similar.

I also got a matte lipstick because I am tired of my lips being the same color as my face. My eczema (Nerd Flag waves high) won’t allow me to wear glosses and things but a matte lipstick is perfect for me because it lasts longer, and I can put my special chap stick over it.

I also got my favorite concealer, Boi-ing by Benefit, which is what I initially went in for. It’s the best and well worth $18 because I use it every day and it’s not cakey or oily and provides perfect coverage.

But my favorite thing that I got was this Eyelash comb..

I almost got the cheaper one for $6 but I’m really glad I got this one because the comb on it is amazing. And I didn’t have an eyelash comb before.

Okay, rewind to Monday. My lease on my apartment is up here in a short time and I’m on the fence about moving/where I want to move to. Apartment hunting went from “Oh, this is fun..” to “I hate my life” in about 2 seconds flat. I am really frightened by reviews that I read online and just overall very frustrated with this whole process.

And I made pickles this week, too. They’ll be ready in 2 weeks and hopefully I will have found a wonderful place to live by then!