Bathe my dog with this shampoo that I bought from TJ’s because I liked the bottle. It’s cute, and there are humans that don’t get baths as often as he does, so it stays it sits permanently in the shower.

Then we went to the vet to get his nails clipped and discuss his many health issues with a professional. He has chronic growing pains which are not abnormal in large dogs but his moaning can be excessive when he’s experiencing them. He gets it about once every 6 weeks for 5 days or so. And he has persistent allergies so sometimes he breaks out in rashes. They want to put him on a hypoallergenic diet but I just tell them to give me the prescription for his medicine so I can take it to Target and get it filled for $7. And to top it off he has an ear infection, but now I have all his medicine and he’s pretty much just sleeping through the pain. He’s very obedient and I’m proud of my dog-mom performance thus far.
Then I came home and cleaned. Cleanliness helps my mental health. I tried hard to not become a victim to the DVR but I failed. I wanted to listen to some shows I recorded in the background but I had to SIT DOWN AND WATCH True Life: I hate my face. I fast forwarded through the white girl a lot but the Indian-looking/Asian-ish girl had me freaking out. I definitely don’t think she has the body disorder, I think she’s just spoiled as hell. It was crazy. Meanwhile, I’ve been going sans eyeliner a lot lately and I’m liking it, especially for summer. I'm glad I like my face.

(I’m too lazy to use my real camera and transfer pics.. iPhone is easier)
I started going to O2 Fitness with some of my co-workers because they have group exercise classes that are really awesome. It was very difficult for me to transfer my membership from the Y to O2 because I feel like a portion of my money goes to some sort of goodness at the Y each month. At O2, however, there are a bunch of tanning-bed-burnt ladies with belly rings. And the office staff calls my phone too often trying to get me to buy a personal trainer for $300. BUT the classes are really good and it pushes me way harder than I would ever push myself AND I have good company which always makes working out so much easier. I’ll probably go back to the Y… I have 5 months to decide to do so before I would have to pay the application fee again. I mean, look at how pretty my walk is to and from my car each morning at the Y!

There is a really awesome bbq restaurant in Durham called The Q Shack. It’s the best and it always reminds me of my crazy childhood road trips to Texas. Anyway, they opened The Fish Shack next door in an old garage. It’s really open and airy and cuter than what this picture provides..

It’s great because they have things that you want to eat sometimes but can’t really find around here like fried crawfish tails and delicious po’ boys. And it’s like you’re sitting outside without really sitting outside.
The only fun thing I've bought lately is this winter bag from Lightyears that was on clearance for $10..

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