Let's see... I was so busy last week. Work. work. work. When I think about everything I do I have to pat myself on the back. I wake up at 5am, arrive at work at 7am, then go to my part-time job where I study, get frustrated, throw it aside, and pick it back up again, then go to the Y (I love the YMCA. I can't do any other gym. I like that they give back to the community so I specifically go to the one in Durham).
In one of my books I read about managing time when you have a lot going on. It suggested making a To-Do List that is separated into 3 sections: Immediate Range (things that need to be done within the next day or 2), Short Range (things that need to be done within a week or two), and Long Range/Ongoing (projects that are ongoing, stuff you are working towards, things to keep in mind, etc.) I love this. I broke mine up even further into 3 separate sections- General, Academic/Work, Fun (which is mostly crafts). My real one is in my favorite owl notebook, but so you get the idea...

I didn't even bother looking at any To Do Lists this weekend, though. Just a relaxing, fun time.
Saturday morning I took my car for it's first service appointment. There was a 2 and a half hour wait so I called my mom to come rescue me. I sat in a nearby Wendy's and drank coffee sitting down, in a chair, writing in a notebook..

I can think of much better places to enjoy a cup of coffee, but this was fine considering I usually chug it in the car, or standing in the kitchen making my lunch, or in the shower.
I wanted to go to the Flea Market Mall because that sounds like a good time but we went to a thrift store instead. I got some Adidas pants that are navy blue with red stripes and in excellent condition that I cannot wait to wear to the gym. I also got an adorable wooden heart bowl that I'll show a picture of later.
We took my neice to have brunch at Mimi's Cafe (she calls me Mimi), where she had Mimi Mouse pancakes. So cute!

On Sunday I found these black flats in Target for $7.48, originally $29.99