Monday, January 24, 2011

Crafts, Hard Work, and All That Jazz

I made these sushi magnets. I like them but I'm not IN LOVE. This was my first set and I know some changes I want/need to make to make them better. The good thing is they are heavy duty. I put a thick circular magnet on the back instead of the cheaper magnet-strip. The egg one is bothering me- I'm going to fix it. These are really cute though!

Let's see... I was so busy last week. Work. work. work. When I think about everything I do I have to pat myself on the back. I wake up at 5am, arrive at work at 7am, then go to my part-time job where I study, get frustrated, throw it aside, and pick it back up again, then go to the Y (I love the YMCA. I can't do any other gym. I like that they give back to the community so I specifically go to the one in Durham).

In one of my books I read about managing time when you have a lot going on. It suggested making a To-Do List that is separated into 3 sections: Immediate Range (things that need to be done within the next day or 2), Short Range (things that need to be done within a week or two), and Long Range/Ongoing (projects that are ongoing, stuff you are working towards, things to keep in mind, etc.) I love this. I broke mine up even further into 3 separate sections- General, Academic/Work, Fun (which is mostly crafts). My real one is in my favorite owl notebook, but so you get the idea...

I didn't even bother looking at any To Do Lists this weekend, though. Just a relaxing, fun time.

Saturday morning I took my car for it's first service appointment. There was a 2 and a half hour wait so I called my mom to come rescue me. I sat in a nearby Wendy's and drank coffee sitting down, in a chair, writing in a notebook..

I can think of much better places to enjoy a cup of coffee, but this was fine considering I usually chug it in the car, or standing in the kitchen making my lunch, or in the shower.

I wanted to go to the Flea Market Mall because that sounds like a good time but we went to a thrift store instead. I got some Adidas pants that are navy blue with red stripes and in excellent condition that I cannot wait to wear to the gym. I also got an adorable wooden heart bowl that I'll show a picture of later.

We took my neice to have brunch at Mimi's Cafe (she calls me Mimi), where she had Mimi Mouse pancakes. So cute!

On Sunday I found these black flats in Target for $7.48, originally $29.99

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

They're so tiny, like Barbie could eat them!

These charms are Barbie-food size:

There's a principle in science known as Occam's Razor. It states that we tend towards the simplest explanation. I applied that tonight. I needed a black string that is thicker than just a black string for my charms. I looked up some string-tying stuff on the internet but I'm not good at all of that so I just braided it. Braiding was so simple/easy/fast. It actually turned out cute and provides perfect little loops for adding the charms.

I also like this simple nigiri one:

These are sparkly and the rice is so perfectly sparkly. There are little indenatations (grill marks) on the fish.

I'm going to wear this one tomorrow..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend at home

I chilled HARD this weekend and it was so wonderful. I haven't had a full weekend in a month or more and Christmas doesn't count because that's a lot of running around for me.

I enjoyed a hearty, Southern meal of shrimp and grits.

I also played in makeup, falling even more in love with my new Benefit Brow kit. I had been holding off this purchase for a really long time and I'm so glad I finally gave in. Good eyebrows really can make your face. I can tell a huge difference on the mornings that I don't have time to use it. It really makes your face look complete and neat. The dark one was a good choice for me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

An old dirt road and I'll be just fine...

Crackin' oyster shells on a Sunday afternoon 'round the kitchen table makes my heart warm. I love our trips to the country-outskirts of Wilmington. But I can't go down there without paying a visit to the beach..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First day of 2011

Bejeweled safety goggles ornament with downtown Durham, NC in the background.

These were on the Habitat for Humanity Christmas tree that is part of a decorating competition between volunteer groups by the Durham Performing Arts Center. Here are some other pics..

New year!

My 2010 was a year of work. I worked SO HARD. Dividing my year into quarters, there was 1- Work hell. 2- Hard working, yet insightful summer. 3- New job. 4- Happy, creative time.

After experiencing over a year of "work hell," I knew that it was time to escape from evil. Throughout the summer this year I worked 2nd shift which provided me with the opportunity to learn new things, and have more time to apply to jobs/attend interviews. It was a difficult switch to make, since I had to sacrifice so much valuable time with the special people in my life. But me, being the super-hero that I can sometimes be, went home every evening for dinner with my little family. It helped me make it through the nights that had me stuck at work until 2am. It wasn't all bad, though. I spent a few summer afternoons at the quiet pool of my apartment complex where I read and studied Eat, Pray, Love - an opportunity for mindful self reflection that I needed. Throughout the Fall, I worked hard at my new job and it wasn't long before I started to feel happier and the creative juices began to flow. An idea to have a "food themed" Christmas tree lead into ideas for sushi ornaments. The holidays went by very rapidly for me as I worked hard making and selling my Glittery Sushi Ornament sets on Etsy. I only filled 5 orders on Etsy (and others for friends), but it was enough to keep me busy since I started them so late in the year. My ornaments went to Iowa, Hawaii, Florida, New Jersey, Minnesota, New York, and here in North Carolina. It was such an exciting feeling for me hearing from the people who bought my ornaments as gifts for their families and friends, and how cute they thought they were.

So what's going on in 2011? The overly analytical part of me always finds it necessary to analyze and quantify my life, laying out strict goals for the coming year. I'd like to be more free than that. I plan to indulge in my creative ideas more- It makes me feel happier, more peaceful, better.

Sights from 2010...