There's a principle in science known as Occam's Razor. It states that we tend towards the simplest explanation. I applied that tonight. I needed a black string that is thicker than just a black string for my charms. I looked up some string-tying stuff on the internet but I'm not good at all of that so I just braided it. Braiding was so simple/easy/fast. It actually turned out cute and provides perfect little loops for adding the charms.

I also like this simple nigiri one:

These are sparkly and the rice is so perfectly sparkly. There are little indenatations (grill marks) on the fish.

I'm going to wear this one tomorrow..

1 comment:
I want the one you are wearing in the second picture! I think you should take a picture of a Barbie doll holding one of the lil sushis..lol.. They are so cute!
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