Fresh produce.. bananas, sweat potatoes, avocados, apples. And more in the fridge! Limes, cherries, carrots, broccoli. I can't feel bad about eating ANY of this stuff. Unlike a trip to Only Burger. That will make you feel guilty for weeks!
My hair. It's behaving so nicely. It's most manageable and pretty on the second day after being washed. I should have had these cute bangs cut in my hair a long time ago but I was too chicken. These days I'm all lookin' in the mirror thinking I'm cute. I'm also thinking about a dark reddish brown full color. I've learned I can't do streaks. I don't even really like highlights on me. I think dark, rich colors suit me best.
Tomorrow is the first day of Fall! I love Fall! I love Fall colors, cute hats, cozy jackets, crisp air, glittery Halloween decorations, pumpkins, hot coffee. Today we visited Umstead State Park and it was so cool and peaceful. Hello Fall!
The lake with an airplane overhead..

Pretty flowers and grapevines everywhere..

Cat tails by the water..

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