Monday meant back to work for me after having 5 days off during which I rested, celebrated my birthday at the beach, and worked on some crafty projects at home. Tuesday there was an earthquake that I sat through obliviously. I work on the 4th floor but I was across the street in a different building on the first floor. I think the quake was felt more-so by people on the higher floors of buildings. My co-workers all experienced it and someone called me to tell me the building shook so they were headed outside. I met them there and when we felt like the coast was clear we headed back up.
Wednesday I anxiously made it through the workday daydreaming about different scenarios that may occur during the “Meet & Greet” with Britney Spears that I won from a local radio station. I won tickets to her concert and then they drew my name for the meeting. It was a total surprise! I thought that anything may occur… from her wanting to be BFFs to not even really seeing her up close if they took a lot of people in at once.
Since I had to be at the station’s tent by 5:30 (5:00ish just to be on the safe side, you know) and I get off from work at 3:30, my main goal was arriving on time. I didn’t know what this event was going to entail, and one of my co-workers had a good talkin’ to with me when I told her what I was planning on wearing. I had brought jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals to change into from the jeans, shirt, and sneakers I had worn to work. My plan was to change clothes at work, then head over to the coliseum and touch up my makeup in my car. But after talking to her, she convinced me that I should probably dress a little nicer. In my own defense, I would have totally planned to dress nicer had I not found out the night before about this meeting, or have to change clothes in a bathroom stall and do makeup in a rearview mirror. There was a major time constraint, and it was HOT. I just wanted to be comfy.
I decided that I would head to the Target/Old Navy not too far from work to buy a cute summer dress or something when I got off. But I didn’t see anything I liked, time was closing in on me, and the knot in my left sneaker wasn’t coming undone for me to put it back on and get the hell up out of Target to go meet Britney. I basically ran out of Target with one shoe on. Whatever, I was going to meet Britney and every time after that when I blast her music while I’m cleaning or watch my favorite video Sometimes, I would be able to reflect back on the time when I met her and how happy she was that I was such a cool, non-freaking-out girl that just wanted to say “hi”.
Fast forward through rush-hour traffic. Melissa and I made it to the station’s tent in plenty of time to be told that our meeting was being pushed back 3 hours. Whatever. It’s not like we were going to argue. I was excited and Melissa was 10 times as excited as I was. We could have been told our time was pushed to midnight and we would have been cool with that.

We found out that our seats were upgraded from the very top 300 level to the lower 100 level, at which point we started asking ourselves “Could this get ANY better?” The universe was definitely patting us on our backs. We’re two nice girls that each couldn’t afford to go to this concert in the first place, and then we found ourselves getting the concert and all its luxuries for free!
As our time finally came and we anxiously waited backstage behind $1,000 paying VIP guests, we could hear DJ Pauly D (not Paula Dean, unfortunately) talking about how he was single or something. We could also see lighting from his show.

Finally, as a group we received a pep talk. We were told to introduce ourselves, tell her if we’ve waited 15 years for this moment, ask her something if we’d like, please don’t ask her for a hug, respect her personal space, that she talks just like us, “she puts her pants on the same way we do”, and to not look scared.

Our experience was just like everyone elses. Straight awkward.
I was not good for too much for the rest of the week because I was SO TIRED from the previous few days. We were supposed to go to a Durham Bulls baseball game but it was rained out yesterday. Today was windy & rainy from the outer bands of Hurricane Irene but the sky started clearing out this evening to reveal a pink sunset.

I love your awesome week and I'm glad there are throngs of people who drained bank accounts to meet Britney who also had a strange experience :)
If only you had known to wear satin robes too, maybe it would have gone better?!
YES! The robe was one of the most awkward things, I think. You kind of expect her, anyone, to be in clothes when you first meet them!
I love the new hair-do!
Thank you!
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