Ebi is getting so big. He's 65 lbs now. We go to the vet every 2 weeks because he's allergic to grass and takes pills every day. When i put him on the puppy plan at PetSmart they made me start alllll over with his necessary-for-life shots. Now that he has everything he needs hopefully they will stop torturing me. Taking him to the vet is always hell. He doesn't understand that he is so big and wants to play with all the little 6 lb dogs that are there for their grooming.
For the most part he is really good but when he is bad, he is BAD. He has done some terrible things.. Like lock me out of the apartment. The bolt lock lays parallel with the floor when unlocked and he jumped up after I left to run outside REALLY QUICK (he stays in the crate during the day) and locked me out. Of course I embarrassed myself believing that there was a burglar inside who had locked me out and was stealing my... laptop and cereal?
If he were human he would wear glasses. I just know it.
In October I went to NY and that was really exciting. Chris and I ate dinner at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant and it was so delicious. They charge you a crazy amount of money and feed you probably about $7 worth of food. Chinatown was the most fun I had. It felt like a different country in some parts.

And next to Chinatown is Little Italy where we drank beers at 2:00 in the afternoon. I heard someone recommend a restaurant called Lee's Shanghai in Chinatown so next time I will try to find that because the place we ate at was terrible. I think Fall is the best time to travel to NY. It's not too hot or too cold and Central Park is so pretty.

Thanksgiving was a beast. When I was a kid I would watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV while my mom cooked. Our house would smell like brown sugary pecans as my mom hosted Thanksgiving at our house for my dad's entire family each year. It was always a lot of fun except for the part where she made me help her crazy-clean the house before their arrival and that one year she made me dress up as a Pilgrim and wear a bonnet.
Anyway, this year my ass was up at 5am snapping green beans. I made food to take to my Grandmother's house, ate lunch there, played hide-and-seek, came home, and went to Chris' co-worker's house for dinner. We were invited and could not turn it down because it was promised to be quite the festivity. And it was. We were participants in the annual pie-tasting contest that was a nightmare because they were all sweet potato pie. But it was really serious and there was a cash prize and a crown involved. My favorite person was the guy that knew his "baby was gonna win because she googled her recipe".
Today I am going to find a little Charlie Brown-ish Christmas tree and bring him home and decorate him. Ebi better not eat him. He loves wood and fragrant things so he will be tempted.