Monday, April 28, 2008

I want to make it worth the fight

The other evening I saw a movie called The Bucket List at the lovely $1.50 theatre in Raleigh that always smells like Fritos. Even after the fire and renovation it still stinks, but it’s so cheap that one pretends to not notice the aroma. This movie was about two older men who found out they had cancer and only had 6 months to a year to live. They set off to enjoy the last few months of their lives by doing all the things on their “Bucket List,” a list of all the things they wanted to do before they died. So I was inspired to make my own:

1. Go skydiving
2. Internationally: visit London, Paris, Rome, Spain, Ghana, Pakistan, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, China, The Fiji Islands, Egypt, Dubai, Toronoto
3. Nationally: visit Las Vegas, NYC, Alaska, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Niagra Falls, Disney World
4. Go deep sea fishing
5. Buy a real designer purse
6. Tell someone the story of my life, all details included
7. Be a member of Oprah’s audience
8. Ride a camel
9. Go parasailing
10. Write a book (or short story) about my life
11. Go white water rafting
12. Inspire someone
13. Get into really great physical shape
14. Learn to scuba dive
15. Live in a different state, or possibly a different country
16. Be debt free
17. Graduate from college
18. Obtain a Master’s Degree
19. Go on a road trip with no destination
20. Volunteer in a developing country
21. Volunteer for something amazing here in the US
22. Get married on a beautiful beach
23. Learn to sew
24. Eat sushi in Japan
25. Adopt a child
26. Selflessly help someone in need
27. Love, truly.
28. Take a leap of faith
29. Be comfortable in my skin, and proud of who I am.


Anonymous said...

You've already done 12 and 28 if you ask me! You constantly inspire me and move me with your maturity, emotional stability and grace during the events of your life since I've met you and I think going through Pakistan and stuff with Syed is huge leap of faith for a while girl from Durham, right?

You're so awesome!


Kimbroly said...

Right! I updated it :-) I love you Julie!

vaibhav said...

nice...I will put up my wish list soon...u rock :)