I had some giant Rubbermaid containers full of craziness that were just sitting out and I had to look at it every day and it was making me so sad to have to see that old, tired, dirty plastic. Every. Single. Day.
I have a sort-of extra room (because I moved my bed into the sunroom where it’s brighter & open with a giant window) so now there is nothing in the actual bedroom except for a bookshelf and now my old TV. The floor hasn't always been full of shit and crazy like this but when I started pulling things out this is what I started with this morning..

In my closet I did have my shoes thrown up here (where my jeans are now neatly folded) and it was a mess.

I did have all of my pants hanging up so this cleared up a lot of space.
It was impossible to keep my shoes organized before because they were everywhere on top of each other. The shoes that I wear most are now stored here. We will see how this works out for me. I like it so far, and I don't have to stretch like a maniac to reach them. I do need a foot stool though.

My bike was in the extra room leaning against the wall and I played with the idea of hanging it from the ceiling because I had seen that done before but I don’t trust the sheetrock and I don’t really think I can go putting holes in the ceiling AND I don’t even know how to begin to tackle that project so the bike is now comfortably stored in the pantry-thing.

It’s now accompanied by the vacuum, ugly plastic giant container, and broom, and stuff. I like it so much better in there.
This shelf on my book case is intriguing. Are those Spanish translators next to philosophies next to the Holy Bible next to Genome next to Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl next to Ellen Degeneres next to mindless chick reads next to Harry Potter next to Amy Sedaris, PostSecret, and Jessica Simpson’s “I Do”? Why yes, yes it is…

Pretty flowers...

Here is part of the cleaner, more organized room. I’m putting my desk in there within the next few days. I have a giant table one from Julie packed up and I am ready to have myself a work area!

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