This is the computer nook and that wire mess behind my laptop is probably a fire hazard and might blow up but whatever. So much crazy shit gets thrown in here..

This is my living room with an exhausted Ebi. I am not crazy about the picture but it keeps the wall from being bare for now. I got the futon from Target for $160 and the black tables (there’s another small one) also from Target for $40 for the set.

I love these little red tables. They came from TJ Maxx and were $50 for both. Those little drawers are perfect for storing tiny things I would otherwise lose.

I throw all my hats here (for right now).

This is my favorite one. It’s not very structured so it fits my head perfectly and it’s so comfortable over my ears. I usually have difficulty with hats and ears because I’m a baby about the way it feels. I found this one in a Delia’s catalog years ago and then went to the store and paid like $28 for it. I’m glad I did.

It’s so much easier to take quick pictures with my iPhone and email them to myself but then you can’t see my face.
Tonight my aunts and mom and some of their cousins met for dinner at Satisfactions in Brightleaf Square. I was happy to go. I love to hear them tell stories about their childhood and how cool of a Dad my Grandfather was to them. They had a freaking pony! Their childhood seems so beautiful and I’m happy that they had the experiences they tell about. As kids they went to the grocery store as a family and it was a really big deal that they got dressed up for, and the guys that did the bagging went to school with them and they were always rushing to do their bagging. My mom and her sisters were some hotties. And Sears had a candy bar! And the Carolina Theatre downtown was the place to be. It all just seems so cute. I mean, they had a pony!
March 10 would have been Gpa’s 90th birthday, and I’ve proposed that we all go out for dinner that evening because he always talked about living to be 90. I think it will be full of wonderful stories.
1 comment:
Your hat was worth $28- it's cute.
I forgot Satisfaction's existed! Matt's mom was drunk and cried a lot the last time we went there.
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