Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow slumber

This weekend was amazing because it snowed and I didn’t have to go to work on Saturday, and I updated everything (iPhone, Flickr, iTunes). Since my work schedule is Tues-Sat I never get to have Saturdays off and it makes me a little jealous of people with traditional weekends. Sometimes.

We got about 6 inches of snow. I took Ebi to the fenced in playground in my complex for him to go crazy and bury his face in the snow, and eat it, and chase it, and bark at it.

Sunday we ventured out on very icy roads to go to the grocery store.

I have been all up in Flickr this weekend. Now that I have the Flickr app on my phone (not sure why I hadn’t already downloaded it), I can upload pictures easier since I mostly use my phone. And since I updated the software on my phone the camera is much faster and clearer and captures my beast-dog running...

I’m embarrassed that I had not already downloaded these upgrades. Shame.

Photos on Flickr make me crazy for wanting to take more pictures, wear brighter colors, and explore.

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